cats color vision
Photo by Antonio Lapa on Unsplash

As pet owners and animal lovers, it’s important to understand the world through the eyes of our feline friends. One question that often arises is whether cats are color blind. In this article, we will explore the intriguing topic of cats’ color vision and uncover the truth behind their perception of the world.

Color Vision in Cats

Contrary to popular belief, cats are not completely color blind. While their color vision differs from that of humans, they can perceive certain colors. Cats’ retinas contain two types of photoreceptor cells – rods and cones. Rods are responsible for detecting light and motion, while cones allow for the perception of colors. However, cats have fewer cones than humans, making their color vision less vibrant.

Color Vision and Hunting Abilities

The structure of a cat’s retina significantly enhances their hunting prowess. Despite having less vibrant color vision, the high concentration of rod cells in their retinas offers them a distinct advantage during low-light hunting scenarios. These rod cells are extremely sensitive to light and motion, enabling cats to detect even the slightest movements in dim light. This, coupled with their ability to perceive some colors, allows them to distinguish between predator and prey, and to navigate their environment effectively even in the dark. Hence, while their color vision may not be as extensive as that of humans, it is uniquely adapted to support their predatory lifestyle.

Impact of Color on Cat Behavior

The role of color in shaping cat behavior is quite fascinating. As mentioned earlier, cats have a limited color spectrum, primarily perceiving shades of blue and yellow. This color vision influences their behavior in a few ways. For instance, cats are often observed to be more responsive to toys or objects that fall within their color spectrum. Anecdotal evidence suggests that cats are likely to show greater interest in blue and yellow toys than in red or green ones, as the latter may appear as muted or less distinct shades to them.

Moreover, color also impacts a cat’s hunting strategy. The muted hues of their color perception may allow them to better camouflage themselves and silently stalk their prey, which predominantly consists of small mammals and birds that may not always be vibrant in color. It is worth noting, however, that research in this area is still ongoing, and it’s essential to remember that individual differences may exist among cats.

Comparison with Human Color Vision

To better understand cats’ color vision, it’s helpful to compare it with our own. Cats have a limited range of colors they can see, mainly in the blue and green spectrum. They struggle to distinguish between red and green, which appear as shades of gray or brown to them. Our human color perception is much more extensive, encompassing a broader range of hues.

Impact on Behavior

The way cats perceive colors can have a significant impact on their behavior. For instance, when it comes to hunting, cats rely more on their keen sense of motion and depth perception rather than color. Their ability to detect subtle movements helps them stalk their prey effectively, regardless of color. Additionally, the colors of toys and objects can influence a cat’s interest and engagement during playtime.

Misconceptions about Cats and Color Blindness

It’s a common misconception that cats are completely color blind. While cats have limited color perception compared to humans, they can still see certain colors. It’s important to dispel the myth of cats being completely devoid of color vision. While their world may appear different from ours, their vision is far from black and white.

Cats’ Superior Night Vision

Arguably one of the most impressive capabilities of cats is their superior night vision. Cats are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk, and their vision is adapted to these low-light conditions. Their eyes contain a high number of rod cells, which, as previously mentioned, are responsible for detecting light and motion. These rods come in handy during the night, allowing cats to see clearly even with just one-sixth of the light humans would need.

Their exceptional night vision is also attributed to a layer behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back through the retina, increasing the amount of light available for the photoreceptors and enhancing visibility in dim light. It’s the tapetum lucidum that gives cats’ eyes a distinctive glow in the dark.

However, while cats excel in low light conditions, they cannot see in complete darkness. Some light is still necessary for their vision system to work. Overall, their night vision is a testament to their evolution as hunters, enabling them to stalk and catch prey even in low light conditions.

Expert Insights

Experts in the field of veterinary science and animal behavior have conducted studies to shed light on cats’ color vision. Extensive research has been done in this area, providing valuable insights into how cats perceive colors.

Evolutionary Basis of Cats’ Limited Color Vision

The evolutionary reason behind cats’ limited color vision traces back to their ancestors. Cats are primarily crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. During these low-light conditions, distinguishing colors becomes less critical than detecting movements. Their ancestors, who were solitary hunters operating in dim light, developed a heightened ability to sense motions and shapes. This is why cats’ eyes are packed with rod cells, which are more sensitive to light and motion.

The scarcity of cone cells, which are responsible for color perception, can also be attributed to their evolution. Unlike primates, who evolved in a fruit-rich environment and needed to discern ripe fruits, cats’ ancestors were carnivorous hunters. They did not need an extensive range of color vision to spot their prey. Consequently, evolution favored cats with superior light sensitivity and motion detection over enhanced color perception.

These evolutionary adaptations have shaped the cat’s unique vision, allowing them to thrive in various environments and become successful hunters. While their world may appear less colorful than humans’, their vision is perfectly suited for their ecological niche.


The world of cats’ color vision is a fascinating one. While they may not experience the full spectrum of colors like humans do, cats can still perceive certain hues. Understanding their color vision allows us to better comprehend their behavior and interactions with the world around them. So, the next time you see your feline companion gazing at a colorful toy or object, remember that they see the world through their own unique lens.

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Sima Ndlebe

Sima Ndlebe


Sima writes for CatBuzz. He is interested in Cats, Health and Fitness, and Entrepreneurship.

Published: 20 October 2023

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